Happy New Year everyone! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas Holiday as much as I did. We had four generations here on Christmas Eve and it was wonderful. Our little house was filled to the brim with laughter, good conversation, plenty of food & wine and the most wonderful memories. And lots of wrapping paper and boxes, of course!
In previous posts, I referred to the secret Christmas projects I was working on, so I thought I'd share some pictures of them now that they've all been delivered.
This first one is a runner made of Dupioni Silk for my mother. I was inspired by this pattern for a knitted
"Modern Quilt Wrap", but I'm a beginner knitter and have to admit that I was a little intimidated by the number of color changes and was afraid that if I started it, I would never finish. So I traded the knitting needles for a rotary cutter and sewed it in silk. But it ended up too stiff for a wrap, so it morphed into a runner instead. I think it would look great as a bed runner on a plain white bedspread! But wherever Mom ends up using it, I think the colors are just plain glorious.

Next are some crocheted neck warmers. I don't have a lot of crocheting experience either, but
this pattern was super easy and I love how they turned out. All four of these were gifts, and since then I've also made one for myself, and I have a list of requests for next Christmas! So it's certainly a "do-again" project.

I finished piecing this quilt quite a while ago, but it took me some time to get around to adding the coral applique (pattern from Oh,Frannson! at
Sew,Mama,Sew but doubled in size) then quilt it and bind it. My daughter loved it, since she loves anything beach/ocean related.
Link back here to see what I'm planning on doing with the scraps left over from this quilt. The fabrics are from the Neptune collection by Tula Pink for Moda.

There were lots of other hand-made things for my new grandbabies, but in the rush of the holidays, I didn't get pictures of them all.
Now it's time to get my thoughts together and start planning my on-line store... purses & bags, quilts, and more!