Can't post sewing pictures this week because I'm working on Christmas projects right now and don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone... So I'll share a tip this week instead.
It's a storage/disposal jar for all those used rotary cutter blades and bend or dull pins and needles.
I won't throw those items loose in the trash, for fear of someone getting injured (mainly my husband, since he takes care of the trash every week).
I used to keep an old Altoids Mint tin in my drawer to throw them in, but I found this solution works even better.
It's an empty Kraft Parmesan Cheese shaker container. I just leave it sitting next to my machine, so as I come across a bent or dull pin, I can just drop it into the container thru the shaker holes. And the half-round opening on the other side is just right for used blades.
Once the container is full, I can just snap the lid shut and throw the entire thing in the trash and start a new jar. Safety note: make sure to always keep the lid shut if you have young children or pets around...